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Kite supports performing calculations and transformations on data using expressions. Expressions are available in the Evaluate Expression block and in every placeholder surrounded by {{ and }}.

Expression Syntax

Expressions are powered by the Expr language, you can learn more about the features and syntax here.

Available Variables

Kite provides the following variables in the expression environment:

interaction: # For command and button interactions
command: # For command interactions
id: string
args: # Arguments passed to the command
arg1: any
arg2: any
arg3: any

components: # For modal interactions, the values of the components
component1: string
component2: string

id: string
username: string
discriminator: string
display_name: string
avatar_url: string
banner_url: string
mention: string
role_ids?: []string
nick?: string
id: string
id: string

event: # For event listeners
id: string
username: string
discriminator: string
display_name: string
avatar_url: string
banner_url: string
mention: string
role_ids?: []string
nick?: string
message?: # For message events
id: string
content: string
id: string
id: string

user: # Access the underlying user of the app
id: string
mention: string


When using the Evaluate Expression block, you must omit the {{ and }} from the expression.

Get Command Argument

This will return the value of the myargs argument passed to the command.

{{ interaction.command.args.myargs }}

Get User Display Name

This will return the display name of the user who clicked the button or triggered the command or event.

{{ interaction.user.display_name }}

Get Message Content

This will return the content of the message that was sent.

{{ event.message.content }}

Check if User Has Role

This will return true if the user has the role with the ID 123.

{{ "123" in interaction.user.roles }}

Do Some Math

This will return the result of the expression.

{{ 1 + 1 }}

Decode JSON Response

This will return the value of the somefield field in the JSON response of a HTTP request block.

{{ fromJSON(node(123).result.body()).somefield }}