📄️ Custom Command
Custom commands are the primary way for users to interact with your bot. Once you create your first command your users will be able to use them by typing / into the Discord chat.
📄️ Message Template
Message Templates are the best way to create highly customized Discord messages. These templates can then be used as a standalone message inside Discord or as a response to commands and events.
📄️ Event Listener
With Event Listeners you can listen for events inside the Discord servers that your bot is in. Right now, Kite supports the following events:
📄️ Stored Variable
With Stored Variables you can store information across commands, events, and message templates.
📄️ Credit System
Kite is free to use, but we do have a credit system in place to prevent abuse. Most actions taken by your app in flows will consume credits.
📄️ Expressions
Kite supports performing calculations and transformations on data using expressions. Expressions are available in the Evaluate Expression block and in every placeholder surrounded by {{ and }}.
📄️ Sub-flows
Some flow blocks can be used to create sub-flows. These blocks act as a boundary between the main flow and the sub-flow and are highlighted in pink in the flow editor.